Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Maiden Voyage

This week I started my internship. My graduate program requires that I complete an internship consisting of 480 hours. Only 477.5 hours to go!

I have met with the folks at this organization a few times before this week and have volunteered at some of their events, so I didn't feel uncomfortable going in. I also have a friend from my program, who recently graduated and is employed there. Though, I was a little bit worried about what kind of work I might end up doing in order to compete all the hours. I got some responses in the preliminary phases like, "We should be able to scrounge up enough work for you!" that did not make me feel confident. But, they have been really flexible and willing to work around my schedule, so I decided to go with it! Plus, I don't have any experiences working with this type of arts organization. So now is the time!

On my first day, since I had already met most everyone in the office, I got straight to work.
My very first task was....
Organizing the supply closet!... Yes! This is what I am getting my masters for...
So, I organized the crap out of those pens, envelopes and binders.

After that, I was asked to create operations binders to give to all of the street stages for the upcoming festival. This was actually work worth doing. I gathered all of the City Permit and permission forms from all the properties that will hold performances and made copies for the stage managers to have on hand in case any problems arise.

It didn't take very long, and it was after a full day of real work at my real job, but it was nonetheless a good maiden voyage!

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